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Learning Support

Literacy & Numeracy Programs




Suitable for children Prep - year 10.

Our Therapists provide effective instruction to help children build essential literacy and numeracy skills. 

If your child is having learning difficulties at school, or is at risk of developing a  reading or math problem, beginning intervention early is key.  We work individually with your child to help build essential reading, writing and math skills.  Home practice tasks are provided between sessions to support progress.  We offer structured programs in Literacy and Numeracy.  Both are multisensory, and evidence-based which means they have been researched and proven to work.

Suitable for children with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, High Functioning Autism as well as other learning challenges.

Before commencing any program, an intake assessment occurs for two reasons;  1) Placement Test - to identify each students needs and establish what needs to be taught and 2) Standardised Test - to measure student growth over time using standardised tools.  Ongoing informal assessment is also built in to each lesson to monitor progress and see how students respond to intervention. 


Cost of Intake Assessments;

Psychologist: Standardised Assessment is $215 per hour 

Literacy  = 1.5 hours

Maths = 1-1.5 hours

Feedback & Summary report included 


Learning Support Therapist: Maths Placement Test $105  (1 hr) /   Literacy Placement Test $157.50 (1.5 hrs)

Feedback and Summary report included


About our Literacy Programs: 

'Spell-Links to Reading & Writing'

SPELL-Links uniquely applies clinical and neurobiological brain research by using speech-to-print word study instruction that leverages the brain's biological organization and wiring for oral language. This gateway leads to reading, writing, and spelling success for all K-12 students.

Reading and writing success begins with word study – a structured, systematic way of learning, practicing, and applying knowledge of sounds, letters, and word meanings to read and spell. With word study all students, including those with learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dysgraphia, gain skills and confidence. SPELL-Links uniquely combines speech-to-print, multi-linguistic, and meta-linguistic word study methods, delivering structured literacy instruction to produce strong writers and fluent readers with deep comprehension and rich vocabularies.

SQ Sentence!

SQ Sentence is a research-based sentence-writing program that fills an important educational need. Creating well-constructed sentences is challenging for many young students. Some young students generally produce shorter, less syntactically complex sentences. Without fundamental sentence construction competency, students’ writing continues to fall behind.

SQ Sentence is suitable for students in grades 3 through high school.

SQ Write!

SQ Write is a comprehensive curriculum that applies an executive functioning approach to both learning and teaching how to write effectively. These executive functioning skills are invaluable because they become a part of the student’s repertoire for managing writing tasks across all subject areas. Better yet, students will take these skills far beyond the classroom and apply them later in the real world. SQ Write employs a simple, yet powerful process that can be used in all tiers of instruction to help students in grades 5 through high school become self-reliant writers.

About our Mathematics Programs:


Math-U-See is a whole curriculum (P-12) designed to teach students specific skills that build as the student progresses. This systematic and cumulative approach uses a definite, logical sequence of concept instruction. The Math-U-See system is structured with step-by-step procedures for introducing, reviewing, practicing, and mastering concepts. Each lesson teaches using multi-sensory tools such as videos, manipulatives, and other resources, designed to appeal to any type of learner. Recommendations from independent researchers on best practice for maths instruction include all components that Math-U-See has used for the last 20 years to teach maths mastery to students of all ages and abilities.


Solve It!  

The instructional approach in Solve It! helps students succeed when solving math word problems.  Through Solve It! students (grades 5 –12)—including those with math difficulties, learning disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder—learn the processes and strategies used by good problem solvers. These metacognitive strategies are taught using using explicit instruction.


Learning Support Therapy Fees: $105 per hour


All our staff are highly qualified.

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